Sunday, December 14, 2008

FOOD, glorious food!

Been spending alot of time with the family on this little holiday cum daddy visiting. :) Daddy is now at work although its Sunday bcoz in Middle East wkends are Friday (praying day) and Saturday...

So as mama cooks instant mee in the kitchen, I am multi-tasking between playing UNO with the kiddos, blogging and MSN-ing. :D

Xinyu's bday photos coming up nxt!!! But now, the family sleepover and cooking competition before the mid-sems (ya, tt was ages ago!) anyway, the lucky ones were having their sch hols so they decided to hv a cook-out and I was the judge coz I still had papers to sit for and therefore, had no time to well, mess around the kitchen. :P

Alisa's sausage jambalaya!

My happy brother and his "invention"...

All his favs FRIED tgt. Eggs, chicken slabs and cheese!!

Trixie's potato salad with generous heaps of bacon bits. :)

Julie's cheese-baked shitake mushrooms!

CHICKEN PIE!!!! Freshly-baked pastries always look so good hur?

Stuffed full with fillings! :)

Mama's molten choc cakes for dessert...

With colourful Neopolitan ice-cream!!

Topped with icing sugar. *sweet*



DVDs for our "camping" night!

Cozy living room with sleeping bags (which were hard)!

Since we r on the topic of food, I hv been putting on alot of weight... No thanks to the late-night snackings and tons of sitting down. :( and coz alot of ppl around me were holidaying while I was still having term tests, my snacks flew in frm abroad by sympathetic relatives.

Good old cookies frm Australia!

Pretty biscuits frm Japan!

The Japanese always spend alot of effort on their packaging...


Short-bread cookies with green tea and chocolate filling.

Even the inside is pretty. :)


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